How will AI Help GenX and BabyBoomers Adopt New Technologies Like Blockchain? When You LISTEN to them

BabyBoomers and GeX Adopting AI and Blockchain Technology

I’m a GenX’er. I never thought I’d be 50. In fact, when I was 12, laying on my surfboard in the water staring up at the sky I thought 50 was like in another world. Now it is my world…

Despite how fast my life flashed in front of me, one thing remains and has remained my entire life: Change is inevitable and it doesn’t wait for me, you or your dog to catch up. Those who adopt to learning, living, and surrounding themselves with new technology and the ways it’s changing their lives will have the advantage.

Teaching GenX’ers and BabyBoomers about new technologies

Teaching these seniors is challenging to say the least because for them it’s not simple to understand. They didn’t come from this world of cell phones and CeFi. Here’s a truth, whomever is capable of teaching GenX’ers and BabyBoomers with empathy and compassion while have the patience for them to adopt it will have the most loyal and high touch word-of-mouth centric fans on the planet.

Do you have the patience?

GenXers and BabyBoomers are the new generation of students for AI and blockchain technologies. But the question is will the younger generation have the patience to educate them?

In 2019 the AARP found that around 54% of Baby Boomers and 46% of Gen Xers were interested in using AI technology to monitor their health. The survey also found that 37% of Baby Boomers and 35% of Gen Xers were interested in using AI technology to manage their finances. In yet another study by AARP in 2020 this one found that older adults (what they classify as “older” is over 65) who had used AI-powered devices were more likely to recommend them to others, with 90% of those aged 70+ saying that they would recommend an AI device to someone else.

Right there…that’s gold. If you can explain and allow them to use your AI to better their lives, they’ll be telling everyone at their mobile home park about it. Can you imagine the pickleball gossip?

These AARP survey findings suggest that seniors, particularly Baby Boomers and Gen Xers, are interested in using AI technology for health and financial management. However, the adoption rates will definitely vary depending on 3 big factors: education, ease of use, and trust in the technology.

How will you get seniors to adopt new technologies?

In order to get seniors to adopt AI and blockchain technologies, like creating metamask wallets and buying into cryptocurrency the first thing is learning how to speak their language, and that’s not the language of AI, it’s the language of active LISTENING.

AI tells you. Gives you information. Overwhelms you with facts. But it doesn’t listen.

Seniors will only adopt something when they are LISTENED TO, not talked over, not made to feel like they don’t get it, not given a task and then a hand clap when they get it right. They’re not stupid. They didn’t grow up in this world.

GenX’ers and BabyBoomers can and will become educated in technology by the people that do the one thing that others don’t. The ONE THING that AI, blockchain, and technology CAN’T DO — they will


are you listening to me?

Will they adopt Blockchain?

There’s limited research available on how seniors, specifically GenXers and Baby Boomers, are adopting blockchain technology. In 2019 Deloitte did a survey and found that Baby Boomers were more skeptical of blockchain than Millennials and Gen Xers. The survey found that only 41% of Baby Boomers believed that blockchain would have a moderate to a significant impact on age group within the next three years, compared to 69% of Millennials and 49% of Gen Xers.

This suggests that Baby Boomers may be more skeptical of blockchain technology, but again it’s all about awareness and education and how well you listen to their questions that will play a role in their adoption rates.

The companies that are operating from empathy, compassion and heart-centered explanations will win. This is what AI and technology CAN’T do. A robot is a robot.

The new technology will be how human can you be and how well will you listen to me?

Nicole Jolie is a GenX’er if you want to classify her and put a box around her. She’s actually a soul on this planet having a human experience, albeit, that may be a little too esoteric for many to digest.

Nicole can be found on LinkedIn and Twitter and here on Medium. Nicole writes about AI and blockchain as it relates to those who are her age group.



Nicole Jolie Certified Credit Consultant

Certified Credit Score Consultant passionate about financial literacy for small business owners. Delving into the financial world, one article at a time. 💰📚